Thursday, 19 June 2014

Top MLM of 2014

We truly believe there aren’t any better MLMs to join than Organo Gold. Don’t believe us? Look at the figures. We provide the support and help needed to reach these astounding numbers:
Organo Gold sold $2 million in just their first year in business! 2011 sales nearly topped $150 million. Next year our sales are projected to be $125 million  every single month.

Holton Buggs doing $600,000 a month

When you’re the Vice President of Sales, you’d hope you were top of the list. Holton is a true genius, leading the way by example and bringing back $600,000 a month to his family. With dedication and hard work it’s possible to reach his heights!
John Sachtouras doing $270,000 a month
John Sachtouras has managed to reach the Black Diamond level of Organo Gold, with thanks to his Master’s degree in marketing. He’s an all-rounder, speaking 5 different languages fluently. But John wasn’t getting the results he with other marketing options; he was languishing slightly. But then he followed the Organo Gold plan and he has ended up making $270,000/month, more than he did in his previous two decades of marketing.
Jose Ardon doing $240,000 a month
Jose Ardon has had a hard life, and has been working for most of it. Network marketing was something he came across early on in his life, but for half a decade he saw no returns on his labor. Then he joined Organo Gold. Things changed. He’s now a Blue Diamond and takes home nearly a quarter of a million dollars every month.

David Imonite doing $150,000 a month
David Imonite spent four years in network marketing coming home to his parents house in a rundown car. It wasn’t a happy life. But then he decided to make a big leap to Organo Gold and things went from bad to great. Persistence and skilled leadership meant that he now can buy a new care every month with his  $150,000 earnings!
Edwin Haynes doing $140,000 a month
I’ve had the immense pleasure of learning from Edwin Haynes one of my first days here. All I can say is the man knows his stuff and is an fantastic guy from what I’ve experienced.

$140,000 month!
Luis & Angela Ventura a Diamond
Guatemalan Luis Ventura came to America in the early 1990s and started on the bottom rung of the job ladder. After marrying his new wife Angela, Luis wanted a change. Dead-end manual labor wasn’t for him: he wanted something more cerebral. An introduction from John Sachtouras gave Luis the best possible start. Within 7 months he was a diamond.
Rod Smith an Organo Gold Diamond
14 years in the NFL as a Broncos wide receiver gives you a decent cash pile, but Rod Smith spotted a market niche with Organo Gold and decided he wanted to make some more moolah. Footballers might be known for their diamong jewelry: Rod Smith is a diamond in his own right in the Organo Gold project.
Ed Hartley an Organo Gold Diamond
Ed Hartley was like most people and initially wary of network marketing. But then the recession bit hard all around the world, and Ed’s eyes were opened. Though he was initially wary still, he soon found his feet and realised the benefits of network marketing – especially the financial ones.
Emmanuel Bernstein an Organo Gold Diamond
Emmanuel Bernstein was dismissive of the business and his chance for freedom initially. But eventually he took the plunge, and took a while – two years – to find his feet. Looking back, he attributed his slow start to the fact that he wasn’t confident in himself yet. Once he was able to be happy within himself, he managed to make it to the Diamond level.
Rramon Fulcher an Organo Gold Diamond
Rramon Fulcher wants to share the wealth. He has set himself a personal goal was to help at least 10 people every year make at least $10,000 a month in residual income. For him – and for those around him – it’s a good job he’s a hustler and good at his work, because now 22 months in he’s managed to achieve that goal.
You need help and support to get ahead in MLM marketing. Without it it’s much more difficult to make it to the top of the pile. Luckily, Organo Gold can and will help you achieve your goals with MLM. We’re certain that you’ll be happy joining us.

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